Emerging (EMG): students show an initial understanding of concepts and competencies
Developing (DEV): students show a partial understanding of concepts and competencies
Proficient (PRF): students show a complete understanding of concepts and competencie s
Extending (EXT): students show a sophisticated understanding of concepts and competencies
Each measure represents where the student is now in their learning and is not a summary or average of their knowledge.
A - Excellent or Outstanding Performance in relation to learning outcomes. GRADES 10-12 (86-100%)
B - Very Good Performance in relation to learning outcomes. GRADES 10-12 (73-85%)
C+ - Good Performance in relation to learning outcomes. GRADES 10-12 (67-72%)
C - Satisfactory Performance in relation to learning outcomes. GRADES 10-12 (60-66%)
C- - Minimally Acceptable Performance in relation to learning outcomes. GRADES 10-12 (50-59%)
I - No demonstration of minimally acceptable performance in relation to learning outcomes in this reporting period.
F - No demonstration of minimally acceptable performance in relation to learning outcomes for this course.
W - Student has withdrawn from the course.
SG - Standing Granted. Acceptable level of performance though normal requirements not completed.
TS - Transfer Standing. Standing is granted based on records from an institution other than a school.