Dvla replacement provisional licence

Check how to get a replacement provisional or full driving licence. You can apply online to replace a driving licence if it gets stolen, lost, damaged, or destroyed.

REPLACEMENT DRIVING LICENCE: After contacting the police you can replace a lost driving licence with the DVLA.

Apply online using your Government Gateway ID to log into your account. You will get an ID during the application process if you need to register (or re-register).

The paper counterpart to a driving licence lost its legal status from the 8th of June 2015. Drivers do not need this part any longer.

It is best to destroy the paper counterpart if you still have one. But, you must keep the plastic photocard driving licence.

Note: There is also a Welsh language version (Cymraeg) explaining how to get a replacement driving licence.

Extra Information

Do not delay contacting the police if your driving licence gets stolen. To replace a driving licence you will need to:

You can apply for a replacement licence via the driving licensing online facility. You may get asked to provide your licence number, NI number, and the number on your passport.

Photograph for a Replacement Driving Licence

As a rule, DVLA use an electronic copy of the passport photograph. But, they can only use it for a plastic photocard driving licence if:

The DVLA will inform you if your electronic photo is unsuitable or unavailable. In this case, they would send you a form so you can supply them with a new photograph.

There is a way to check the updated photo on your driving licence. Use the photo driving licence renewal service to view the details.

If You Find Your Lost driving Licence

You must return an old licence to DVLA if you find it after requesting, or receiving, a replacement. Give the DVLA an explanation of what happened and where you found it. If you find your old driving licence send it to:

SA99 1AB

You will get a confirmation email from DVLA once you have applied. They may ask you to take part in research by email. You can opt out of the survey if you choose.

Applying for a Replacement Photocard Licence by Phone

If no details have changed you can contact the DVLA to apply by phone. But, you cannot apply by phone if either:

Applying for a Replacement Photocard Licence by Post

Both forms are available from the DVLA form ordering service or from most large Post Office branches. Send the application to the address written on the form. You will also need to send the current driver licence fees with the form.

Note: Send the original documents to confirm if your name has changed.

Replacing a Paper Driving Licence by Post

You can use the same process to apply by post if you had a paper driving licence. In this case, you will need to include:

Note: Send the application to the address written on the form with the current driver licence fees. As a rule, it takes about three (3) weeks for postal applications to arrive.

How to Get a Replacement Driver’s Licence in United kingdom
Last Updated 2022

The UK Rules

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